CME Module 1: Developing Marketing Strategies

Develop marketing plans and satisfy customer needs with profitable products and services.

This module is 30 hours consists of 10 sessions * 3 hours each

Understanding Marketing Management

• Defining Marketing for the 21st Century
• Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

Capturing Marketing Insights

• Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand
• Conducting Marketing Research

Connecting with Customers

• Creating Long-Term Loyalty Relationships
• Analyzing Consumer Markets
• Analyzing Business Markets
• Identifying Market Segments and Targets

Understanding marketing management , capturing marketing insights and connecting with customers

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430,000+ training hours since 2002,6000+ participants in 7 cities all over Egypt,220+ companies sponsored their top talents from 10+ industries Our trainers are practitioners who bring their expertise to the learning environment; this guarantees that all courses are practical and to-the-point. You will gain skills that you can apply the next day in the office thus increasing your performance and boosting your competitiveness.