A systematic program of learning, training and development blends the needs of the organization with the needs and aspirations of individual employees. The aim is to improve organizational performance and to engage employees in their career development.
This course is 24 hours consists of 8 sessions * 3 hours each
Affiliates :
Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate of achievement and transcript with 24 hours and is valid for [21.5] PDCs from SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)as “Knowledge" is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM
For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertificate.org
• Difference between Training and Development
• Understanding the Training Process
• Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
• Designing a Training Program
• Preparing and Implementing Corporate Training Plans
• Evaluating Training Programs
• Knowledge Sharing techniques
• Learning and Development Metrics
In today’s fast paced and decentralized world of work, it is expected that employees in many cases must act independently in carrying out their duties. Organizations must ensure that employees have the necessary knowledge and skills required to complete their tasks effectively and efficiently.
Learning, training and development activities are the planned, continuous effort by an organization to improve employee competency levels and organizational performance. Learning can include a variety of approaches including structured training courses, mentoring, coaching, job shadowing, peer exchanges, and/or self-directed learning.
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